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Loikaw University

About Us

The Tekkatho Foundation is a non-profit regulated by the Charity Commission in England and Wales (registration number: 1160640 and registered charity company number 09200061) Our articles of association (the legal document that sets out how we are governed) are available for download as are our annual report and accounts.


Find out more about our missionour team and our partners.


Our charitable objects are:

To advance the education, particularly but not exclusively, of the people of Myanmar (Burma), including by:

(a) providing digital libraries and other education infrastructure in areas of limited or no internet connectivity;

(b) promoting exchanges, teaching placements and research partnerships between educational institutions and international partners.


You can read about how we are achieving our mission in our annual report.


The Tekkatho Foundation is certified by NGOSource as equivalent to a U.S. 501(c)(3) public charity under the Equivalency Determination (ED) process as set out by the published regulations of the IRS and the Department of Treasury.

The Tekkatho Foundation is registered in England and Wales as a charitable company limited by guarantee  (numbers: 09200061 and 1160640).

​Find us: 

Holyoake House, Hanover Street

Manchester, M60 0AS

​​Contact us:

[email protected]

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